Yep....finally got some GREEN and some signs that SPRING is really here. God, the wait has been sooooo long!
Going to reach the mid 70's here today and then the severe weather, tornadoes, rain, hail, wind, etc. all move in this afternoon......ahhhhh spring time in Iowa!
I worked outside in the yard all afternoon and part of the evening. I had sore muscles this morning, but it was the good kind of sore.
So much to do.....I just wish I could really get at it and stay at it all day....but, other duties take priority so I'll just have to work at it when I get the chance.
Happy Thursday!

It is beautiful here too. mAllenfoto and I have the next 4 days off so we decided to walk down to a local Greek restaurant. It was quite lovely, very sunny, with alittle breeze. Perfect walking weather.

part of the way, the rest he gave a piggy back, those are a must on these kinds of days.