Today's journal will be something of a mixed bag...a hodge podge....without a clear and decisive direction, not unlike it's writer.
First, a puzzlement. Upon getting downstairs and starting the coffee this morning, I discovered that my wrist was without watch. Hmmmm....curious. I always wear a watch. I'm sure I had it on, when I climbed into bed last night. I wear it tight enough, that it could not have possibley just slipped off my wrist and over my hand during the night. Also, the buckle and strap are stiff enough, that even purposely unbuckling the band is not an easy takes some effort to get the band buckled and unbuckled. As I said...curious. So, back upstairs I go and sure enough, there on the floor beside my bed, lays my watch. Now what the hell? The only resonable explanation is.....gremlins. Those ugly little creatures that slink around in the dark recesses of the night, moving things, causing havoc and being the producers of those things that go bump in the night. Perhaps infrared technology should be applied to catch the little varmints doing their devious deeds. Oddly enough, my house has always been conspicuously lacking of wonders what prompted the recent infiltration of the night time hooligans.
Saturday was a fine day to get my waterline leak taken care of. The culprit hydrant was dug up with the aid of my backhoe. The fix and replacement went well, with water restored around 3pm. Now we wait a few days to see if this was the only leak. If the well stays full for the next 5 days, I'll be convinced that the system is sound and I can backhoe a line from my water system to the rural water line that was installed a month ago and hook my waterline system up to the rural water system. No worries about a lack of water after that. This has been an ongoing situation that once resolved, will be a relief.
After getting my sinus condition ( that had plagued me for several months ) finally taken care of with a weeks worth of antibiotics, I was sure my left eye that had been red, swollen and weepy would also clear up. It didn't. The symptoms persisted. So a visit to my eye Dr. was in order last week. I was sure my vision was OK, but was concerned as to what was causing it and the long term effects on my vision. After a careful examination, it turns out that it is classic allergy symptoms....according to the Dr. He couldn't tell me why it would only affect one eye and not the other. Some prednisone drops for the eye and a cortisone cream for the skin around the eye at bedtime were prescribed. Happily, the improvement has been dramatic over the last 5 days. The redness, swelling and weepiness is gone and my eye feels normal again. I have another 5 days of treatment left and then it should be all taken care of. I love it when a plan works out!
Happy Monday!
First, a puzzlement. Upon getting downstairs and starting the coffee this morning, I discovered that my wrist was without watch. Hmmmm....curious. I always wear a watch. I'm sure I had it on, when I climbed into bed last night. I wear it tight enough, that it could not have possibley just slipped off my wrist and over my hand during the night. Also, the buckle and strap are stiff enough, that even purposely unbuckling the band is not an easy takes some effort to get the band buckled and unbuckled. As I said...curious. So, back upstairs I go and sure enough, there on the floor beside my bed, lays my watch. Now what the hell? The only resonable explanation is.....gremlins. Those ugly little creatures that slink around in the dark recesses of the night, moving things, causing havoc and being the producers of those things that go bump in the night. Perhaps infrared technology should be applied to catch the little varmints doing their devious deeds. Oddly enough, my house has always been conspicuously lacking of wonders what prompted the recent infiltration of the night time hooligans.
Saturday was a fine day to get my waterline leak taken care of. The culprit hydrant was dug up with the aid of my backhoe. The fix and replacement went well, with water restored around 3pm. Now we wait a few days to see if this was the only leak. If the well stays full for the next 5 days, I'll be convinced that the system is sound and I can backhoe a line from my water system to the rural water line that was installed a month ago and hook my waterline system up to the rural water system. No worries about a lack of water after that. This has been an ongoing situation that once resolved, will be a relief.
After getting my sinus condition ( that had plagued me for several months ) finally taken care of with a weeks worth of antibiotics, I was sure my left eye that had been red, swollen and weepy would also clear up. It didn't. The symptoms persisted. So a visit to my eye Dr. was in order last week. I was sure my vision was OK, but was concerned as to what was causing it and the long term effects on my vision. After a careful examination, it turns out that it is classic allergy symptoms....according to the Dr. He couldn't tell me why it would only affect one eye and not the other. Some prednisone drops for the eye and a cortisone cream for the skin around the eye at bedtime were prescribed. Happily, the improvement has been dramatic over the last 5 days. The redness, swelling and weepiness is gone and my eye feels normal again. I have another 5 days of treatment left and then it should be all taken care of. I love it when a plan works out!
Happy Monday!

5 days, 5 days! The magic number for you! Well, I hope your sinus lines and your water lines get all fixed up. That would be good good good.
Maybe, you dreamed of taking off your watch, and did so in your sleep?
hope you are well.