Finally a little relief from the old sinus snot factory. You know, I debated about using the words snot factory....thinking that it sounds a little crude, but then I've never been accused of being PC, or haven't not been accused of not be a bit crude at times. And, if you can't be a bit crude around your friends, who can you be crude around? Anyway, the sinus stuff is feeling so much better in the last couple of days. Better than it's been in literally months. I've done 3 things and I'm not sure which is the one that's helping....or if it's a combination of all 3. This whole thing seemed to have started last November. I've been wracking my brain to see if I could figure out what might have changed since then, to have set off what I think is an allergy. The only thing I could come up with, is that it was about the time that I brought a mandavilla plant inside for the winter. I set it behind my big leather chair that I set in each night. I moved the plant out to the garage on Monday. I've also been taking some antibiotics, just in case it wasn't an allergy and it was an infection in the sinus....since only the left side seemed to be worse than the right side. And, I started taking an over the counter once a day allergy pill. Whatever it is that's helping has really made a difference. My left eye has cleared up...not all red and weepy like it has been. I'm only blowing occasionally now and I can finally breathe through both nostrils again most of the time. Yeah, it's good to be feeling more normal again after 5 months!
I know I must sound like a broken record, but I'm really getting tired of this roller coaster warm, then cold weather pattern. Looks like we could get some snow again in the next 24 hours....maybe....who knows...the weather people sure don't know for sure. I do know that it will be cold, probably rainy and windy again for a few days. Come on spring!!! I need some warm weather and to be outside working so bad that it hurts! The first day that it hits 80 degrees, I'm going to put up a recliner and just sit in it and bask in the sun all day!
The new surround sound system works great! It's so cool to hear movies and stuff just like you would in the theater.
Dinner is done and I've got a couple of things that need to be done and put in the mail by the end of the day, so I guess I should get at them.
Happy Hump Day!
Finally a little relief from the old sinus snot factory. You know, I debated about using the words snot factory....thinking that it sounds a little crude, but then I've never been accused of being PC, or haven't not been accused of not be a bit crude at times. And, if you can't be a bit crude around your friends, who can you be crude around? Anyway, the sinus stuff is feeling so much better in the last couple of days. Better than it's been in literally months. I've done 3 things and I'm not sure which is the one that's helping....or if it's a combination of all 3. This whole thing seemed to have started last November. I've been wracking my brain to see if I could figure out what might have changed since then, to have set off what I think is an allergy. The only thing I could come up with, is that it was about the time that I brought a mandavilla plant inside for the winter. I set it behind my big leather chair that I set in each night. I moved the plant out to the garage on Monday. I've also been taking some antibiotics, just in case it wasn't an allergy and it was an infection in the sinus....since only the left side seemed to be worse than the right side. And, I started taking an over the counter once a day allergy pill. Whatever it is that's helping has really made a difference. My left eye has cleared up...not all red and weepy like it has been. I'm only blowing occasionally now and I can finally breathe through both nostrils again most of the time. Yeah, it's good to be feeling more normal again after 5 months!
I know I must sound like a broken record, but I'm really getting tired of this roller coaster warm, then cold weather pattern. Looks like we could get some snow again in the next 24 hours....maybe....who knows...the weather people sure don't know for sure. I do know that it will be cold, probably rainy and windy again for a few days. Come on spring!!! I need some warm weather and to be outside working so bad that it hurts! The first day that it hits 80 degrees, I'm going to put up a recliner and just sit in it and bask in the sun all day!
The new surround sound system works great! It's so cool to hear movies and stuff just like you would in the theater.
Dinner is done and I've got a couple of things that need to be done and put in the mail by the end of the day, so I guess I should get at them.
Happy Hump Day!

My dad used to call us children 'snot factories'

thanks for the comment on my set!!!