My friend KiKiBH says, "It's freezing here!" and I tend to agree. Although, it can always be worse. We haven't even seen 0 here yet.....I'm not sure exactly how cold it is where KiKIBH is, but apparently she's freezing her cute little behind off. The coldest actual temperature I can ever remember seeing for myself on the therm-o-meter ( I always pronounce thermometer that way, cause I think it's funny and it makes me giggle ) was 28 below 0. It was right before the sun came up one morning a few years ago. Thank God there was no wind, cause the wind chill would have been devastating. Actually, anything 0 or below is really cold and could be life threatening in some circumstances. As a reserve deputy, I been called out to alot of accident scenes and such during the cold depths of winter, where you have to work or stand out in the cold for hours. You learn to buy the best clothing and equipment available to be able to work and not freeze in those conditons. In general, if you can keep your face, hands and feet warm, you can stand it. Tomorrow, I'll tell you about a time when I thought I'd frozen my still makes me shudder to think about it.
So, it's Saturday already. Where do the weeks go and why do they seem to whiz by so fast? We need to slow this merry go round down a bit I think....but I'm not quite sure how to do that. Christmas/New Year's will have come and gone before we know it. How can you really enjoy things when everything is moving so fast?
Hey driver! Slow down a bit so I can enjoy this just a little more, will ya!
So, it's Saturday already. Where do the weeks go and why do they seem to whiz by so fast? We need to slow this merry go round down a bit I think....but I'm not quite sure how to do that. Christmas/New Year's will have come and gone before we know it. How can you really enjoy things when everything is moving so fast?
Hey driver! Slow down a bit so I can enjoy this just a little more, will ya!
Jack doesn't like me to take it easy. He likes it rough. lol

Oh, I'm fine! No big deal.