hey wow its been forever im still active for anyone who even cares on a deployment with the Marines so i'm here and there with the internet, more to come later
hey all im back down in tucson with limited internet (only once or twice a day i can get on) just thought i would update because i havnt been able to get on here
wow you suck!! i havent talked to you in FOREVER!!!! i am prob getting rid of my SG account in DEC!
ill start with my dream last night, i was asked friday "what do you most look forward too in life" and i didnt have a really solid answer i will admit i used the cliche kids, marriage yadda yadda which i truly do but was very impersonal towards me. so as i pondered last night before i went to bed i still had not yet...
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so i've been away for awhile this is why, i spent two weeks up in alaska on some remote island and then i spent andother 2 weeks on a cruise ship in hawaii, not much else happened been working alot and just hanging around the house
Grrr long weekend, well thursday went to the field with the Marines, did some training in flagstaff it was supposed to be in the 70's so got there around 1 am on friday, had duty from 3- reveille then from 9-4 then went on working partys till god knows when finally hit the rack and woke up the next morning to snow.....fucking snow for the...
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ha sucker! when do you leave and do something fun?
Went to the rifle range down in yuma this weekend, i dont know why it wasrushed but we got there and ihad to qual on the same day, i barley made sharpshooter, but i consider that ok using a rifle i've never fired yet, 3 hours of sleep and shooting all day, i jsut wanted to kinda get it over with, plus the fact that...
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who died? anyone i know or just your fellow brothers?
no one you know two Marines, close friend, close friends mom, and an aquatence,
wednesday the 11

i went rock climbing in sedona, hiking in flagstaff, and went to slide rock

turns out i got a fever somewhere from flagstaff to tucson which i just got over so im fine now,

i have school today and the spring football game saturday, thats about it. other then that nothing it new
rock climbing and hiking.....
football games

just looked through your pics...
you are one wholesome looking cat
i'd let you fuck my sisters
Went to a middle school for their 14th annual american pride day, its this whole thing where the kids decorate the whole school and a bunch of vets go to an assembly then the student council takes those who want to on a tour. it was awesome walking around the middle school in uniform visiting classes and felling so welcome

any way im off to...
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yeah the world travler stays in AZ whatever whatever shocked eeek
April Fools! i have been slacking on my usual pranks, the only thing i did was post on facebook and myspace that i got accepted to University of Colorado and i would be moving this summer after my birthday.

yeah right i would never leave THE University of Arizona or my unit im stationed with here in sunny Arizona

oh well off to make trouble
ehhh SG>facebook myspace yeah nothing more added
thats why i didnt bother adding it here