The back story: While standing in line at the grocery store, a young lady strikes up a conversation that initially is quite pleasant. However I should have known things would not continue that way. I noticed her glancing every now and then at the pentacle hanging around my neck, and should have expected the usual tirade by now. But hey, she was kinda hot and I held on to the hope that she would not be the usual close minded bible thumper that tends to approach me in these instances. Well the questions about whether or not I was a satan worshiper, anarchist, or into black magic started, and of course I lost interest and ended with my usual refrain, " no, the last time I checked I was just an American who has the right to decide what he believes in." Needless to say there will not be a first date, in her defense i don't think she was upset with my reply to her question. I think it was more my reply when she told me that I would be going to hell and I told her that it was her hell, she could go burn in it. So much for the dating scene......

I love that sign. What a shame.
I always tell them "worry about your own souls cuz I am at peace with the universe and I am not burdened with fear" and then I tell them to do some REAL research on the pentacle, its origins & its uses past & present (and in some ancient christian churches as well) before judging me. And then I throw out "judge not lest ye be judged". "it is in the Bible, read it sometime".