Whats Caged Ink you ask?:
(taken from the site cagedink.com)
This is going to be the most extreme event ever to hit Southern California. Caged Ink will consist of something that has never been brought together under one roof. Its a Tattoo Expo with Extreme sports such as FMX, BMX, Skating, Paintballing, Battle of the Bands, Surf Shops, Trucks, and many more extreme sports companies and athletes. To top it all off Hitman Fights will be hosting an MMA Cage Fight!
Here's the schedule of event's that are happening that weekend
8am - 1:30pm Exhibitor Move-In
12pm - 2pm Battle of the Bands Registration
2pm - 3pm Opening
Band: Kaustik (20 min)
Band: Feel the Fall (20 min)
3pm - 4pm Skate & BMX Expo starts
Paintball Arena Opens
Band: Ruff Draft (20 min)
Band: Drunkn Punkn Idiots (20 min)
4pm - 5pm Band: 69 Kings (20 min)
Band: Time Ends (20 min)
5pm - 6pm Band: The Toileys (20 min)
Band: 2 Tone & Caveman (20 min)
6pm - 7pm Tattoo Contest
7pm - 8pm Band: K262 (30 min)
8pm - 9pm Band: Lost Souls (45 min)
9pm Closing
10am - 12pm Vendor Re-Stock
1pm - 2pm Opening
Tattoo Contests All Day
Battle of the Bands Round 2
2pm - 3pm Battle of the Bands Round 2
Skate & BMX Expo Starts
Paintball Arena Opens
3pm - 4pm Rick Thorn autographing @ Boost Mobile
Band: The Slow (45 min)
4pm - 5pm Ring Girl Competition
Tito Ortiz autographing @ Punishment
Band: Commonwealth (45 min)
5pm - 6pm Doors Open for Cage Fights
Celebrity & Fighters Signings
6pm - 7pm Cage Fights
7pm - 8pm Cage Fights
8pm - 9pm Cage Fights
9pm - 10pm Cage Fights
Battle of the Bands Winners
Band: Attica Freakshow (45 min)
10pm After Party, Location TBA
10am - 12pm Vendor Re-Stock
1pm - 2pm Opening
2pm - 3pm Skate & BMX Expo Starts
Paintball Expo Starts
JACK FM Truck Outside
3pm - 4pm Miss Tattoo Potion Pageant 2009
4pm - 5pm Miss Tattoo Potion Pageant 2009
Celebrity Signing
Tattoo Winners Announcement
5pm - 6pm Band: Six
6pm - 7pm Band: Lifeline
7pm - 8pm Band: Alien Ant Farm
8:30pm - 9pm Wrap-Up
9pm - 12am Closing
Exhibitor Move-Out
* * * SG will only have a booth on Saturday, so make sure you come by and say HI to me and all the lovely girls there * * *
(speaking of ... which SG's are comfirmed to go so far? ROLL CALL!)
FRIDAY & SUNDAY I'll be at the SKINNIE MAGAZINE booth, so make sure to swing by there as well & say Hi and pick-up our NEW issue w/ Juliette Lewis on the cover looking gorgeous as ever.
I have to say I'm most excited to see Alien Ant Farm play, ontop of meeting all my SG friends! Cant explain how stoked I am to be apart of this.
Also, I know it's a little last minute. However, If you're in the OC area we're having a countdown party for Caged Ink @ Slidebar in Fullerton, CA.
p.s Does anyone twitter? I'll admitt that i'm a "twitter-tweaker" Follow me!