Yuckie Mc Duckie
So I think I officially lost my digital camera
It's been m.i.a. for a week or so now. I am aware of the 'lost status' due to the fact that I was going to charge it and post a Vlog on here for you guys. It was an antique anyways, around 4 years old. However, I try not to look at is as a negative. Life is too short to get bummed / pissed over material losses. I'm just a little disappointed because I'm going to COACHELLA this coming weekend cameraless.
Here's an example of things I would record myself doing on said list camera
On a good note I am expecting more money back then what I had expected on my income taxes !!
Here is my shopping list on what I WANT to spend it on (thus far):
- Digital Camera (lol)
- Tattoo work
- Getting my hur-did
- Getting my dresser out from lay-a-way
- Buying some artwork off my cousin before his stuff becomes FAR too expensive
- Beads and Crystals for my jewlery making pleasures
- Rescuing a dog from the pound
- A Blackberry
... Honestly, when it boils down to it I probably SHOULDN'T be spending my money so carelessly like that because I have some court fee's to pay off (ugh!). Maybe i'll just select ONE of those things to treat myself too.
You know what's cool though about this economy? It's taught me to cut back on my frivilous spending. I've literally have become a bargain shopper.
Here's an example:
I always secretly wanted this Ed Hardy hat, but it never seemed logical to spend 70 bucks on a hat that I know I was only going to wear out by the pool or to the gym. Low and behold, I end up getting it on sale for 25 bucks.
Yes, it's real (people were sceptical). My work is liquidating all of our Ed Hardy stuff because we're not going to be caring the brand anymore .. hmm wonder why ... lol (that was me being sarcastic).
Have I mentioned how obsessed i've become with Twitter.com.? I love following celebrities ... but it's making me feel like a stalker when I start following the other celebrities they @ message too just to see the convo they hold with one an other. Yeah, I am totally creep status with that site. lol
I love how this blog is turned into just random banter!
Love you guys!!
So I think I officially lost my digital camera

It's been m.i.a. for a week or so now. I am aware of the 'lost status' due to the fact that I was going to charge it and post a Vlog on here for you guys. It was an antique anyways, around 4 years old. However, I try not to look at is as a negative. Life is too short to get bummed / pissed over material losses. I'm just a little disappointed because I'm going to COACHELLA this coming weekend cameraless.
Here's an example of things I would record myself doing on said list camera
On a good note I am expecting more money back then what I had expected on my income taxes !!
Here is my shopping list on what I WANT to spend it on (thus far):
- Digital Camera (lol)
- Tattoo work
- Getting my hur-did
- Getting my dresser out from lay-a-way
- Buying some artwork off my cousin before his stuff becomes FAR too expensive
- Beads and Crystals for my jewlery making pleasures
- Rescuing a dog from the pound
- A Blackberry
... Honestly, when it boils down to it I probably SHOULDN'T be spending my money so carelessly like that because I have some court fee's to pay off (ugh!). Maybe i'll just select ONE of those things to treat myself too.
You know what's cool though about this economy? It's taught me to cut back on my frivilous spending. I've literally have become a bargain shopper.
Here's an example:
I always secretly wanted this Ed Hardy hat, but it never seemed logical to spend 70 bucks on a hat that I know I was only going to wear out by the pool or to the gym. Low and behold, I end up getting it on sale for 25 bucks.

Have I mentioned how obsessed i've become with Twitter.com.? I love following celebrities ... but it's making me feel like a stalker when I start following the other celebrities they @ message too just to see the convo they hold with one an other. Yeah, I am totally creep status with that site. lol
I love how this blog is turned into just random banter!
Love you guys!!

and i use to talk to you from time to time. And it's funny cause either you live in the same city
as I. Or one of the cities near by cause I saw you a the terra vista movies once. But you didn't look to
happy at the time. haha.
Well anyways, how have you been beautiful?