It's been a sure-fire mexican minute since I have updated my blog. I sincerely appologize about that you guys.
I know I have been laying low from the site for a minute. Just taking time for myself and adjusting to life and dealing with the usual things that are thrown into the melting pot.
I was just thinking today how I really need to work on a new set. I have the best idea's brewing in my head that would totally work for me and express who I REALLY am. It's just so intimidating to feel that if I put all this hard work into a quality set, that it will get lost with all the other sets in member review. I'm sure once I overcome that feeling and have more of a possitive and optimisit outlook I'll put that set out that i've been dying to do. Gosh, and someone gave me the best idea to use war paint as a prop too. It makes it sound soo much more fun and artistic.
Other then that ... life is moving forward. I couldn't be happier!!
Enough about me, how are YOU guys doing? Anyone have big plans for summer? (it's right around the corner) I know i've already started to write down some things in pencil on my calender.
It's been a sure-fire mexican minute since I have updated my blog. I sincerely appologize about that you guys.
I know I have been laying low from the site for a minute. Just taking time for myself and adjusting to life and dealing with the usual things that are thrown into the melting pot.
I was just thinking today how I really need to work on a new set. I have the best idea's brewing in my head that would totally work for me and express who I REALLY am. It's just so intimidating to feel that if I put all this hard work into a quality set, that it will get lost with all the other sets in member review. I'm sure once I overcome that feeling and have more of a possitive and optimisit outlook I'll put that set out that i've been dying to do. Gosh, and someone gave me the best idea to use war paint as a prop too. It makes it sound soo much more fun and artistic.
Other then that ... life is moving forward. I couldn't be happier!!
Enough about me, how are YOU guys doing? Anyone have big plans for summer? (it's right around the corner) I know i've already started to write down some things in pencil on my calender.

I hope you have a fab summer you sure look like a girl who doesn't look for a good time she makes it!!
very awesome pics!! your cute!!