I've gone through a lot of personal stuggles that have helped me become the self-confident woman that I am today. This personal discovery of unveiling who I truely am is something I pride myself on. I feel like I'm wasting my time and yours by (in a) way "boasting" about this because It's something that shouldn't have to be said. I no longer find myself identifying to materialistic things or people I surround myself with. Insecurites are also very minimal for me as well. I don't need anyone else's approval for anything. Perhaps thats why complete strangers are giving me that hardest of times. Judging me off the littlest of things, and I'm quite aware that juding someone else is more like judging yourself (in the end). I only say this because I was that girl who didn't like most people and I did a damn good job at picking them apart. I soon realized that I was just not happy with myself. So why pick apart someone just because i'm envious of them, why not change my own life and mind-set to become happy with me and who I am. Soon I found myself gaining the confidence those people had that I was so jealous of. An other thing, I respect people with opinions because it shows that they think for themselfs and dont follow. However, if you are noone but a stranger to me don't tell me what I can and can't not do with my life and try to guide me into (what your thoughts of) happiness are defined by.
I live by a rule "TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED", but i feel like that rule is not working for me because I am the least judgmental person out there yet people want to pick apart my life, who I am and critize it.
All I can do is just live life with the mind set I currently have. I'm not going to let anyone try to tear me down. I've worked hard to be as strong I am today, not to let it be ripped apart by immature people.
Honestly, it just breaks my heart that some people haven't found their way yet ... because I know how lost I felt when I was so hateful like that.
I live by a rule "TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED", but i feel like that rule is not working for me because I am the least judgmental person out there yet people want to pick apart my life, who I am and critize it.
All I can do is just live life with the mind set I currently have. I'm not going to let anyone try to tear me down. I've worked hard to be as strong I am today, not to let it be ripped apart by immature people.
Honestly, it just breaks my heart that some people haven't found their way yet ... because I know how lost I felt when I was so hateful like that.
It is nice to not only have accomplished these things but to acknowledge that you have accomplished something amazing ^_^
It's one of the most noblest of ideas tp treat others as we want to be treated, unfortunately it is not one that is universally practiced.
Congrats to you though, and do not allow others to tear you down, especially if its negativity being spewed from those you do not love.