Well I just said goodbye to my family, again. The Marines that I'm leaving in this unit are family, a non-Marine could never completely understand what it's like. Most of the guys here, I trained, I feel like I raised them. I watched them turn from complete pieces of shit, into grown ass men. Tonight was one of the hardest nights of my entire life, harder than saying goodbye to my realy family. I guess it's cause I don't know if I'll ever see any of them again and they are just as much brothers to me as the one that came out of my mother. Some of the NCOs are just as much fathers to me, as the one that helped bring me in this world. I actually got choked up saying goodbye to them, I didn't do that with my family back in NC. Tonight was the hardest night of my life so far, I'm sure I'll have harder in the future to come, but this one takes the beer as of now. I'll never forget these crazy, drunk, honorble men for as long as I live.
It's funny to think a week ago I couldn't wait to leave, I couldn't wait until they left (they are going on a deployment for my last month here) but now I would do anything to go with them, it just hurts so much not to be with them right now.
It's funny to think a week ago I couldn't wait to leave, I couldn't wait until they left (they are going on a deployment for my last month here) but now I would do anything to go with them, it just hurts so much not to be with them right now.
