So this weekend was pretty uneventful.
Saturday, my sis and I went to another San Jose Earthquakes game and then out to pizza with cousin and aunts and uncles afterword.
Sunday, I just spent lazing around the house...reading, playing with Gav, watching him swim...
We never did make it to the water park, but we're going to try to go today after lunch. I hope it's still running since lots of kiddies are back in school (that's also a good thing as it will be less crowded).
It also looks like Gav's dad is going to be moving about 4 hours away. He can't find work here and so is getting booted from his house.
I wonder how Gavin will do with that...
well, if anything more interesting happens, I shall let you all know.
Saturday, my sis and I went to another San Jose Earthquakes game and then out to pizza with cousin and aunts and uncles afterword.
Sunday, I just spent lazing around the house...reading, playing with Gav, watching him swim...
We never did make it to the water park, but we're going to try to go today after lunch. I hope it's still running since lots of kiddies are back in school (that's also a good thing as it will be less crowded).
It also looks like Gav's dad is going to be moving about 4 hours away. He can't find work here and so is getting booted from his house.
I wonder how Gavin will do with that...
well, if anything more interesting happens, I shall let you all know.

Don't worry about Gav's dad moving further away. You'll work something out.
I'm sorry that Gav's dad is moving so far away... but maybe that is for the best till he gets on his feet. Might help him to put things in perspective. And like Fishy said: Gav has YOU and you are a phenomenal mom!