I have migraine today. I had a bunch of stuff I was supposed to do today, such as grocery shopping, 3 loads of laundry, house cleaning...etc. Instead I laid in bed until 2 with my head on an ice pack and an Imitrex making me feel funky. Luckily my grandpa was a saint and took Gav for me all morning until 2 when he brought him home for a nap. He totally saved me!
I just finished putting together a vegetable casserole and stuck it in the oven. I've never made this recipe before, so we'll see how it turns out. It was empty cupboard dinner night!
I've been totally stressed as most of you know about finding an internship and being able to support Gav. His dad hasn't been able to help with finances for Gav for over a year now. He was only paying for his medical insurance. He recently lost his job, which means Gav lost his health insurance. With me not working and paying almost $600 a month for my own medical insurance, I don't know what I'm going to do!!!!
Having pre-existing conditions made me undesirable to all the insurance companies, so I had to go with one that was made so people like me can get insurance and not be denied. The only problem is that I have to pay almost twice as much as anybody else.
I've been working on potty training Gav last week and this week (exciting news for all of you to read I'm sure!).
He's been doing really well though and has begun to just go when he has to!!!! Any parent knows what a HUGE deal this is!! I'm soooooo proud of him!!! Now if I can just get him to poop in the toilet also.....
Well, on that lovely note, I'll end this.
Take care!

I just finished putting together a vegetable casserole and stuck it in the oven. I've never made this recipe before, so we'll see how it turns out. It was empty cupboard dinner night!
I've been totally stressed as most of you know about finding an internship and being able to support Gav. His dad hasn't been able to help with finances for Gav for over a year now. He was only paying for his medical insurance. He recently lost his job, which means Gav lost his health insurance. With me not working and paying almost $600 a month for my own medical insurance, I don't know what I'm going to do!!!!

I've been working on potty training Gav last week and this week (exciting news for all of you to read I'm sure!).
He's been doing really well though and has begun to just go when he has to!!!! Any parent knows what a HUGE deal this is!! I'm soooooo proud of him!!! Now if I can just get him to poop in the toilet also.....

Well, on that lovely note, I'll end this.
Take care!

thanks doll! i still can't bring myself to start cooking again, but i did buy frozen foods (
) i actually am not doing too many domestic things at the moment... (oh well...) hope you are feeling better too!

it could only happen to me!!!!