So, took Gav over to my Grandpa's for Easter yesterday. Some of my family was there, but not all.
Gav is sick again. Instead of allergies this time it's the flu. He's had a fever and chills and lays moaning in bed at night. I have to just sit with him and rub and head until he falls back asleep...poor little guy. Luckily, he felt good enough on Easter morning to eat and hunt for eggs! We hid a tonne and he and his cousins looked for quite a while to find them all
He got a little kite in his Easter basket that he's been dying to fly, but we've had no wind!!! For the first time in a week...of course.

Gav is sick again. Instead of allergies this time it's the flu. He's had a fever and chills and lays moaning in bed at night. I have to just sit with him and rub and head until he falls back asleep...poor little guy. Luckily, he felt good enough on Easter morning to eat and hunt for eggs! We hid a tonne and he and his cousins looked for quite a while to find them all

thank you so much for commenting on my American Psycho set!! Glad you enjoyed it...xoxoxoxo
Are you guys feeling better yet? I hope so! Adorable pics!