More vanity...
My extra-clawed mutant kitty got a little too into the pettings the other day, started slipping off the back of the couch, scrambled across my face, and dragged my laptop to the ground, breaking a piece off of it (it's OK). My face doesn't look too bad, but the two scratches on my lips really stung at the time. This is by a hot rock poster designed by my friend. He's awesome.

SG's xmas gift

Gretchen surrenders to the sunlight

Me & Tim, my mom's shit-zu...looks like a wookie, doesn't he?

Are there any albums that you just can't stop listening to? In my car, it's Lonesome Crowded West by Modest Mouse. On my mp3 player/at home it's Modern Guilt by Beck.
My extra-clawed mutant kitty got a little too into the pettings the other day, started slipping off the back of the couch, scrambled across my face, and dragged my laptop to the ground, breaking a piece off of it (it's OK). My face doesn't look too bad, but the two scratches on my lips really stung at the time. This is by a hot rock poster designed by my friend. He's awesome.

SG's xmas gift

Gretchen surrenders to the sunlight

Me & Tim, my mom's shit-zu...looks like a wookie, doesn't he?

Are there any albums that you just can't stop listening to? In my car, it's Lonesome Crowded West by Modest Mouse. On my mp3 player/at home it's Modern Guilt by Beck.
and cute animal pics!!
"Are there any albums that you just can't stop listening to? "
right now it's Too Fast for Love by Motley Crue!
As for albums, I can't stop listening to "Decider" by The Dodos.
My copy of Lonesome Crowded West has gotten plenty of use in the last decade. It's actually starting to skip a lot which is sad. I keep forgetting to check out the that Beck album!