things i've been enjoying lately:
-alisa's new set! she's so beautiful, and a total sweetheart too.
-arrested development season 3
-'very vanilla' soy milk
-baking chocolate goodies
-'the gunslinger' - first book of the dark tower series
-being reminded that i actually have some impact in the lives of the people i love
-feeling fairly happy with how i look today, after days (weeks, months?) of not
-a phone call from my dad to say he misses me already
-learning how to adminster various tests like some subscales of the wasi (intelligence test)
-my new wierd smelling and effective shampoo/conditioner
-orange flavored joints
-alisa's new set! she's so beautiful, and a total sweetheart too.
-arrested development season 3

-'very vanilla' soy milk
-baking chocolate goodies
-'the gunslinger' - first book of the dark tower series
-being reminded that i actually have some impact in the lives of the people i love
-feeling fairly happy with how i look today, after days (weeks, months?) of not
-a phone call from my dad to say he misses me already
-learning how to adminster various tests like some subscales of the wasi (intelligence test)
-my new wierd smelling and effective shampoo/conditioner
-orange flavored joints
what sorts of chocolate goodies you baking? brownies? chocolate chip cookies? cakes? cupcakes? all of the above?
baking is so fun...and then it becomes its own reward...yummy
i love Alisa's new set. i'm especially glad they left this one in even though it's kinda goofy...
you are beautiful and loved by so many. try not to forget that
yeah my obsession with the beatles has cooled down too. of course now i'm starting to get a little crazy about Ani Difranco.
don't worry. i'm not going anywhere. i might be annoyed with the bugs in the new layout but i'm here for the people and the girls and they're all still wonderful.
my mom is a strong lady too. even when she defies drs she manages to hang in astoundingly well. i'm just bummed because things are getting harder to treat and more painful and dangerous.
you're quite the sweet strong lady yourself. and i'm glad you didn't give up on me when i disappeared because i like having you as an online pal no matter what mood you're in.
ah yes, such is the dilemma with the baking of sweet treats. wow that sounds like a lot of chocolately goodness. are there any bake sales coming up? or parties? i love a good party because i can bake a ton of stuff and then leave with just 3 or 4.
after the breakup i baked myself several lemon cakes with vanilla icing...and me and my dad managed to eat them all by ourselves
big warm huggins! i'm so glad to hear from you and so so so glad to hear you affirming the positives in life