my justin still knows how to turn my day around
after feeling totally downtrodden all day, i locked myself out of the house. even though he was at work he came by to unlock the door...but there was a miscommunication and i thought i had to go by his work. so i ended up there and he ended up here.
when i got back to the unlocked house there were lovely flowers waiting for me. it made me so happy. our kitty annie ate a whole half of one before i got them out of her reach but i still have two and half beautiful flowers.
i'm feeling altogether more optimistic about the night.
(and thanks again to X who has always been a good friend and helped me so much today.)

after feeling totally downtrodden all day, i locked myself out of the house. even though he was at work he came by to unlock the door...but there was a miscommunication and i thought i had to go by his work. so i ended up there and he ended up here.
when i got back to the unlocked house there were lovely flowers waiting for me. it made me so happy. our kitty annie ate a whole half of one before i got them out of her reach but i still have two and half beautiful flowers.
i'm feeling altogether more optimistic about the night.
(and thanks again to X who has always been a good friend and helped me so much today.)
See: my current journal, or you regional group!