It's funny how when I was younger I always loved winter. I guess it was the snowboarding that made it so exciting. Since i don't go much anymore I have come to hate winter. The cold cars, shoveling, bundling up, not being able to ride motorcycle and crapy ass roads are too much and out weigh the nice things about winter (big flakes of snow falling in the moonlight ever so gently, snow boarding in fresh powder, fun driving at times)
Fortunatly the canadian winter in the G-spot hasn't been too bad so far. I know the worst is yet to come.
Chanel and SPARK_OF_LIFE came to the shop for a visit on Friday. Always kool to see them both.
well i guess that's it for this attempt at an update
anyone else think Xmas is coming way to quickly??
Fortunatly the canadian winter in the G-spot hasn't been too bad so far. I know the worst is yet to come.
Chanel and SPARK_OF_LIFE came to the shop for a visit on Friday. Always kool to see them both.

well i guess that's it for this attempt at an update

anyone else think Xmas is coming way to quickly??
Thanks for the offer about the party. I think Gord and Scott are going. It's on Wednesday or Thursday night right? This week. I have to work all week, so probably not. Take pictures... plllleeease.
Humm... I'll contact you on myspace... check you messages.