Wow, i can't believe that I have been single for a year now. Time sure does fly.................But, I am pretty happy with my laid back lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, my life is busy with work and art ,But, I get to live on my own terms with no one to answer too. I think my x was way to worried about growing up and being an adult with all the perfect furniture and possesions. She made me forget to appreciate the simple things and just live.
As my year anniversery of freedom approaches I don't know how to feel. I imagine a bit of the craziness will appear soon...........on the other hand maybe not......
I hope everybody has a great halloween.......I have no plans except for dope and pumpkin carving on Saturday night.
As my year anniversery of freedom approaches I don't know how to feel. I imagine a bit of the craziness will appear soon...........on the other hand maybe not......

I hope everybody has a great halloween.......I have no plans except for dope and pumpkin carving on Saturday night.

LOL! Phil cleaned our pumpkin last night for the seeds and ended up burning them. Hehe...