If I vanish from SG for awhile it's sadly because I have not been able to submit a recent set due to my latest one shot was never received. I am unable to pay subscription at the moment due to financial issues and kids come first when it comes to money. I'll be looking to shoot more sets as soon as I can find more...
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You are one of a kind
You are loved by many but you may not notice
You are free to be you and not what others expect you to be.
You make your own choices
You hold the objects you choose whether it be a paintbrush, booze, someone else's dick, or a camera.
This is YOUR life, stop living by others and start being who...
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Hush now, for it was foretold by the Norsemen ages ago. The wolves Hati and Skoll chase the sun and the moon across the heavens each day, but it shall not always be so. The time of the Ragnarok will come, the time of the Gotterdammerung, when the world shall be plunged into a winter as it has never known. This is the Fimbulvetr. There...
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So as you can see, @MISSY @LYXZEN and@RAMBO asked us all : What video games are you currently playing
Iv been on a absolute relapse of playing the entire Fable series for the 1000000000 time. With a bit of borderlands here and there ;p haha Iv also been thinking about a Game I use to play with my brother back in the day called...
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