Some news...after a week "tied" in the bed couse influence, time lost on FB(the cradle of FUFFA), we move to my aim.
I would like to make a plan, but the first goal is beeing in Wisler during olimpic game!!
Than T need to check different hard boards F2 (I know well), Prior (I never test it). Bindings ; CATEK!!!
And I have to fnd...
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30 October 2009
I will not be at the Dream Theatre concert...I'm sad...but I'll be in... a very nice placesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile
Tomorrow a new week will be lived, and it will ask us a sacrifice something: time, pationes, loves...
I'm sad for this, lot of people loose possibility because thaey have to work...I wish to change!!!

A nice week to everyone!!!!

The week is ended...fortunately...I met lot of new people this week, and I worked too much, from 7 am up to 2.00 am in the morning... I spent lot of time with people of all the world and at the and I'm very glad of these moments...I know that someone have to get everythig with merit...I'm tring to recognize some values in my experience and...
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This week I spend my job time at EMO exposition in Milano...It's strange the meaning of EMO...
ahhhhh me lo stavo chiedendo ahahahahahahah
ma bene sparlucchiare e leggere l inglese!!!
Grazie dei complimenti wink
baci baci
Sabba News...
middle short hair, Black and blue...Tomorrow I will enjoy seeing the expression of my big gelly belly boss!!!
p.s. se passate dalla fiera di milano venite a farmi un saluto....frownfrown
is server per la posta fanno cagare!!!!! fanculo gmail, che sembrava una rivoluzione...preferisco di molto il mio vecchio hotmail....volevano cambiare tutto forse si sono cambiati il pannolino...imbecilli miliardari incapaci,,,,IMIwink
Tomorrow my long hair will be short...I have to fuck the rules, as it's normal for me...
I need a long rail decompression trip...
Close your eyes and begin to relax. Take a deep breath, and let it out
slowly. Concentrate on your breathing. With each breath you become more
relaxed. Imagine a brilliant white light above you, focusing on this light as
it flows...
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