I got an e-mail from Dan Henk yesterday. The tattoo artist that did my grim reaper. I don't have to drive to N. Y. smile. I guess he's going to do a guess spot some where in mass from January 13-19th. I wont get my new tattoo on my birthday but I don't have to travel as fair either. He should be starting to draw...
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I am sorry about the Eric thing. I promise I am working on it!

I wish you did have to drive to NY!!!

I can't wait to see your new tat!
You'd better show pictures when he's done with it. I want to see!
My thoughts....
I have been thinking a lot about me and where I am going in life over the last few days. I know I want to move to England in five years. If not sooner. I looked at my life and where I would be in 5 yrs. I don't think I will be their. At lest not with my life style now. When...
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u betcha!
I think you should just take every day as it comes and try to make the best out of each moment, I know that sounds chich. But I've found out it actually does work .. sometimes.. Well.. often you get distracted from making the best out of the day but keep trying!

Much better night tonight smile . I went out to eat with Dave last night. Then I went in and help out at work. I think mac put a fire under the other support and assistant. he reamed them on Saturday morning and e-mailed them that night. With that said. The walk went really well today. I think I will go give them a hand again...
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You know I don't really know exactly what kind of store you work in. Is it weird I think it may be some sorta sex shop?

Bolton is a pretty rough town...but I still call it home!
I'm going to go to mark's bar and grill tonight. Hang out with my friend Dave. grab some 25 cent buffalo wings smile. I think I will head in to work after. grab the ot and help them out .

Talk to you all soon
25 cents?!? That's MADNESS!
Is the holiday season over yet frown . My other support was all pissed off still. She left at about 12:30 am. I think the pressure is getting to her. She seem's really stressed. I told that to mac today when he asked where she was. I sat down with him we had a long talk. I told him I understand what he is trying to...
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I love to see you strut
Up and down the floor
When you talkin' to me
That baby talk
I just like it like that
Shitty night to night. I was so tired. I get in the door my other support is all Dressed up. She was also very pissed off. I ask her what's up? she tells me not to get her started. I then check my email at the store. I get one from the store manger. Ever get reamed for stuff when your not even their? It...
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Hang in there, big guy. You can make it! Can't wait to show you my new jewelry... tongue
I went to Boston last night. Got lost like always. It's not a trip to Boston unless I get lost some how. Any ways I went and saw the band Murder Elite. They put on a good show. It was at the paradise lounge. Never been their before it was a cool little place. After the show I talked to Chris. She the lead...
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aww thanxs sweetheart!
THANK you! "Undead" implies zombie, which, as we all know, still has chunks attached!

Thanks for coming by today, you brighted my day. My piercing went well and it's SO CUTE!
Today was evil so far frown . It is Black Friday in the retail world. Witch me panic chaos and disarray. I came from a busy store and it is always crazy that day. Today on the other hand it was busy for the 1st hour maybe 2 hours. After that I just wanted to shoot my self. I was so board. I got stuck their...
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Hope Black Friday went well. Cross your fingers for me tonight!

How was the show in Boston? Did it kick ass? Wanted to go, but was super tired after staying up all night and then working Friday morning.
Black Friday went eh. The show definitely kicked ass smile
Happy Thanksgiving all

I'm still up from yesterday. I had to work and set Blitz last night. I got out of their about 4:00 am. I called Chucky at the poast road store. His store was still hurting. I decided to go visit one of my old crew's. It was nice to see them again. I ended up working with them. The assistant their yelled...
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Hell, yeah, man...bring it on.

So, uh...what's up with this chick Jess? Why don't you just marry her?! tongue

kiss kiss kiss
Went to the casino today. I lost my shirt but won a hat lol. Oh well I went their with Dave. I don't get to see him much anymore. It was worth it. Would have been better if I won but hey cant win them all.

I gave Anthony the distract mangers # so hopefully he can work everything out and come work with me...
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