Back from NY. The transportation in NY sucked. I went I got their jumped on the subway. They were doing construction. the subway I usually take to the shop was totally shut down. I got lost and ended up some where in south Brooklyn. Called up the shop and talked to Dan he gave me directions but where I was at the subway only ran that train on weekdays. I then catch a subway to union square and then try to catch a cab. I went though 5 different cabs before anyone had knew how to get to the shop or wanted to figure it out.Finnaly got a cab that took me their. He was actually an awesome cab driver. I did finally get to sit down with
Dan . We talked about my next couple pieces. Hopefully I can get down their in August get a tattoo of the goddess Ereshkigal. Then in September at the.Boston Tattoo convention I will get Sabbadoo my Dark elf Necromancer from EQ. I know I'm a dork get over it. Then a week later he will be doing a guest spot at
Off The Map Tattoo. Their I will get any background work that needs to be done. Then my left sleeve will be all complete
I got to go to CBGB'S for the 1st time sat night. It was cool. I don't know who was playing but their seemed decent. I only got to see one band sense I was going on maybe 1/2 hour sleep on a train in a 30 hour time period. I crashed I think around midnight after buying overpriced Oreos and milk.
Got a cab right away Sunday morning to go to the shop. He took me to Boerum plz instead of Boerum st witch I needed to go. Of course its not even close to each other. You know when your a cab and it feels like your going to get in an accident every 3 secs. Yeah it felt like that but worst. One point we ended up going up a one way street dodging oncoming traffic. I did get their all in piece. Brian then fixed my neck once I got their. He pulled out the top barbell witched killed. It was still soar sense I got it pieced again last sat. After he got it out and sterile he put a piece of silicone to act like a washer and repieared it.
I got to the train station the train was 35 min behind schedule. Once we left NY we still had to keep stopping to let trains go by because they were working on tracks. It ended up running 2 hrs total behind schedule
I got a sweet piece of mail in today. Guess what it is
Dan . We talked about my next couple pieces. Hopefully I can get down their in August get a tattoo of the goddess Ereshkigal. Then in September at the.Boston Tattoo convention I will get Sabbadoo my Dark elf Necromancer from EQ. I know I'm a dork get over it. Then a week later he will be doing a guest spot at
Off The Map Tattoo. Their I will get any background work that needs to be done. Then my left sleeve will be all complete

I got to go to CBGB'S for the 1st time sat night. It was cool. I don't know who was playing but their seemed decent. I only got to see one band sense I was going on maybe 1/2 hour sleep on a train in a 30 hour time period. I crashed I think around midnight after buying overpriced Oreos and milk.
Got a cab right away Sunday morning to go to the shop. He took me to Boerum plz instead of Boerum st witch I needed to go. Of course its not even close to each other. You know when your a cab and it feels like your going to get in an accident every 3 secs. Yeah it felt like that but worst. One point we ended up going up a one way street dodging oncoming traffic. I did get their all in piece. Brian then fixed my neck once I got their. He pulled out the top barbell witched killed. It was still soar sense I got it pieced again last sat. After he got it out and sterile he put a piece of silicone to act like a washer and repieared it.
I got to the train station the train was 35 min behind schedule. Once we left NY we still had to keep stopping to let trains go by because they were working on tracks. It ended up running 2 hrs total behind schedule

I got a sweet piece of mail in today. Guess what it is
I hope everyone's world is well.
Talk to you all soon
The tattoo convention will be lots of fun. I really wanna get work done there but I dunno if its gonna happen. Along with myself, Fractal, Bowie, Alexsandria, Fatality, Morgan, Bailey, Sid, Lexie, and Poppy will be there all 3 days at the SG booth. However there are 11-15 other SG's that plan on attending as well.