I feel like
x1,000. Let me tell you what has been going on the last couple days. 1st I find out that my old assistant who has been like a father to me. A guy that I wouldn't even think twice over taking a bullet for. I find out that his father passed away yesterday. I went out to breakfast with him just a little while ago. He has not been sleeping. so much is going threw his head. He asked me to be a pallbearer this Thursday for his dad. Needless to say I will be their. I just feel so bad. he seems to be taking it alright. I just worry about him.
If that was not enough for one day I worked last night. The new assistant a.k.a. gumby, decided to dump the whole pet bin last night. He had no one to work it. Witch meant me colleen and the unloaders ended up working most of it. One of my best stockers didn't show up last night. Gumby called his house last night. He wouldn't come in. He had been up all day and his son went to Iraq that morning. Granted he should have arranged for the day off or called in. He should not be fired. I have a gut feeling that is going to be that case. If that is fact I'm going to bad really moodie tonight. When I see mac I'm going to ream him. Be for I came to the shift average amount of people that called out would be 4 or 5 people a night. I put a stop to that. I told mac I will take care of the situation. If he gets fired after I told him to give Chris one more shoot. I'm going to be pissed. it will be a slap in my face, if I straitened out the attendance and this guy totally takes over. I'm sorry. I just need to vent
The plus is I got a pic of my new tattoo up .
Talk to you all soon

If that was not enough for one day I worked last night. The new assistant a.k.a. gumby, decided to dump the whole pet bin last night. He had no one to work it. Witch meant me colleen and the unloaders ended up working most of it. One of my best stockers didn't show up last night. Gumby called his house last night. He wouldn't come in. He had been up all day and his son went to Iraq that morning. Granted he should have arranged for the day off or called in. He should not be fired. I have a gut feeling that is going to be that case. If that is fact I'm going to bad really moodie tonight. When I see mac I'm going to ream him. Be for I came to the shift average amount of people that called out would be 4 or 5 people a night. I put a stop to that. I told mac I will take care of the situation. If he gets fired after I told him to give Chris one more shoot. I'm going to be pissed. it will be a slap in my face, if I straitened out the attendance and this guy totally takes over. I'm sorry. I just need to vent
The plus is I got a pic of my new tattoo up .
Talk to you all soon
Thanks for the lovely comment on my new set

I hope you're still alive out there...