I got official word that we are going to go through a remodel this upcoming year for the store
. I had to do one at the store I was just in. were not even out of x-mas and he had to mention that. Remodels are evil!!!!! Its in the middle of the summer so no vacation till its over
I really don't want to go though another one. I would rather go though Christmas 2 times a year then go through remodel. Oh well that's life. I get to work with store manger mac tonight. Wish me luck with that.
Talk to you all soon
Talk to you all soon
It looks pretty, but don't wake me up, or you will be in a world of hurt.
You think I'm just being cute, but *somebody* definately got punched in the genitals this morning. And it wasn't my cat. He's neutered.
The idea was, each round was 10 ducks. After your round was up, you take a drink for every duck you missed, and pass the gun to the next person for the next round.
If you got a perfect score, everyone else takes a drink.
If you got Game Over on your turn, you had to do a double shot of the "penalty whiskey," which was nausatingly cheap whiskey we kept on hand for just such an occasion.
It was great. The more you drank, the worse your aim got, and the more you drank.