Is the holiday season over yet
. My other support was all pissed off still. She left at about 12:30 am. I think the pressure is getting to her. She seem's really stressed. I told that to mac today when he asked where she was. I sat down with him we had a long talk. I told him I understand what he is trying to do. in the 2 yrs I have worked with him. He has been way too soft on 3rd shift. I told him that today. I told him their will be time I'm going to want to shove my foot up his ass. But I understand what he is trying to do. I worked with an assist for about 3yr's. He has been like a father too me. Anyway's he was always really strong. I could work the back room and he would watch the floor I didn't have to worry about anything that went on their. In this store however. I have an assistant and another support that would rather work then watch the floor. They also do not like to handle associate problems. Witch I ended up being the person to coach people. Correct people and deal with all the problems. Witch leaves little time for me to walk the floor. Witch leaves much room for them to screw around. They didn't even get all of the trucks worked on Friday night.That is why mac flipped. I think I will go in give them a hand for a bit tonight. It's always nice to have the extra cash
Talk to you all soon

Talk to you all soon
Up and down the floor
When you talkin' to me
That baby talk
I just like it like that