Building nuclear warheads as a child:

The angry (about the side-effects of radiation) years:

The more peaceful, gardening years:

The "I'm too lazy to shave" years:

I recently stumbled upon some old schoolbooks and there was a lot of wincing as I turned the pages. Like "dental patient being drilled with no anesthetic" - that much wincing.
In Grade 8 (at age 13) "designing" a high-powered laser - I was obsessed with them to the point where a science teacher took pity on me and let me demonstrate the school-board's first laser in front of our physics class. And here I wonder why I didn't get dates until Grade 11.

Then inventing my own secret code language so that my "designs" couldn't be stolen by my enemies. Designs like my retractable locking grapple. Essential tool for the young super-nerd:

At least my handwriting improved as time went on

Fortunately, (or possibly unfortunately) I discovered an obsession with music around this time which led to a change of outlets for my nerdiosity:

In other news:
Team Ico Does it Again:
I have a massive nerd boner for this game even though I've no idea what it is yet.
One of these days I may grow up. At this rate it should happen sometime around 2062.

Building nuclear warheads as a child:
The angry (about the side-effects of radiation) years:

The more peaceful, gardening years:

The "I'm too lazy to shave" years:

I recently stumbled upon some old schoolbooks and there was a lot of wincing as I turned the pages. Like "dental patient being drilled with no anesthetic" - that much wincing.
In Grade 8 (at age 13) "designing" a high-powered laser - I was obsessed with them to the point where a science teacher took pity on me and let me demonstrate the school-board's first laser in front of our physics class. And here I wonder why I didn't get dates until Grade 11.

Then inventing my own secret code language so that my "designs" couldn't be stolen by my enemies. Designs like my retractable locking grapple. Essential tool for the young super-nerd:

At least my handwriting improved as time went on

Fortunately, (or possibly unfortunately) I discovered an obsession with music around this time which led to a change of outlets for my nerdiosity:

In other news:
Team Ico Does it Again:
I have a massive nerd boner for this game even though I've no idea what it is yet.
One of these days I may grow up. At this rate it should happen sometime around 2062.

Thanks Sweetie
hahaha I like the bit about the secret code language.. I'm pretty sure I tried something like that in highschool.