So I have been actually thinking and reading a little bit lately. As of late we know our privacy has dwindled to the point of hopefully taking a dump in privacy. I used to think I didnt care if the government intrudes, I figured what are they going to see, what can they do? But as I look back on this slow road to 1984, I wonder how did we get here and why? I have gone from not really caring to wondering if we have really understood what were losing. You are all entitled to your opinions and when and how long this started but I will briefly mention that this pitched battle started during the original fight for our independence.
When our founders kicked the English out they also kicked out there corporations and their control. As is put in this website www.reclaimdemocracy.org
After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our countrys founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.
These last words, influence. Corporations influence everything, yes its obvious from a billboard to our television. I think as Americans we used to care ,but a long pitched battle I firmly believed gained momentum after that fateful day on 9/11. While I think Americans as a whole were mad and wanted revenge, I feel we were convinced to let our leaders cry chicken little and give up our freedom for security. All countries have fought enemies at every given time, and we fought much worse enemies than Al Qaeda. During all our wars we may have made sacrifices and even faced McCarthyism but nothing as invasive as what is going on now.
The reason I write this is because we are not free, this is no 4th of July, even though I may be taking a day off to spend time with friends. You might say other countries have it worse, but that is no excuse casue we are heading their slowly. Other countries protest en-masse and we sit idly by. I am sick of corporations, religions(tax exempt) institutions, lobbyists and whoever has more influence than my one vote. I used to care but they are expecting apathy as their virus, their sickness to break our backs then influence us. We still protest, but only silently with pre made picture and captions on FB or Twitter. We are not in the streets in any organized form, again a plan to keep us so distracted and so divided. Maybe for once instead of labeling ourselves and fighting ourselves while our puppet masters laugh , why dont we keep it simple and unite under one banner? We should lobby for set term limits on everyone, then go after corporations from there! You should all remember this when you get a red light camera ticket and a large amount of the money goes to a private firm.
amor amour love
<3 <3 <3 *-*