So since December I have now moved from the crematory to becoming a funeral director/intern in one of the busiest funeral homes in my area. I have learned a lot and havent had much time to party. Some of the stuff I have seen was very sad. Usually were taking care of people who have passed at an old age. But sometimes you see people who went way too young. When I have time to slow down I try and remember that were all still alive and we should make the best of our time, we never know what comes for us tomorrow.
In between all the work I was able to get some time off to play some hockey and do some home improvement. I was lucky enough to hit some strip clubs by the old cemetery I used to work at. Weird story as I walk into one club and some dancer yells at me, I didnt really recognize her but it turns out I buried her uncles ashes in a bench. Truth be told she was a little psycho. I love dancers but not ones that yell at you not to leave from the stageI ran out as fast as I good. So my adventures are few and far between anymore, work has been almost all consuming. I hope anyone who reads this is doing well.

In between all the work I was able to get some time off to play some hockey and do some home improvement. I was lucky enough to hit some strip clubs by the old cemetery I used to work at. Weird story as I walk into one club and some dancer yells at me, I didnt really recognize her but it turns out I buried her uncles ashes in a bench. Truth be told she was a little psycho. I love dancers but not ones that yell at you not to leave from the stageI ran out as fast as I good. So my adventures are few and far between anymore, work has been almost all consuming. I hope anyone who reads this is doing well.

Yes, the title is a reference to VNV Nation. Happy that someone spotted it