Suicide and other things.
So my job Is like a box of chocolates. This week we got another suicide. The woman tried to jump off a bridge and didnt quite hit the water. Needless to say rocks arent forgiving. Bones were shattered and things were twisted up, a mess and a waste of life. My partners look in some kind of amazement and me I quietly wonder what was so bad for this person to end it like this.
This was Monday but as the week went on we got plenty of obese people in, they come in bunches. I am not talking 50 lbs overweight I mean 375 and up. Most of these people are middle aged and I start to wonder if food is so comforting that maybe these people are somehow subconsciously giving up and killing themselves also? I know that all cases are not the same and I am generalizing , I know many people get sick depressed, etc , etc.
I do this job everyday, and I try not to bring it home, but shit I cant tell a priest and I know no one will really read this blog, but at least its off my chest for anybody who cares.
If life is that bad, get help, there is always helpand if you feel that miserable about life..dont end a prick and keep fighting.
With that enjoy this video from a favorite band.
So my job Is like a box of chocolates. This week we got another suicide. The woman tried to jump off a bridge and didnt quite hit the water. Needless to say rocks arent forgiving. Bones were shattered and things were twisted up, a mess and a waste of life. My partners look in some kind of amazement and me I quietly wonder what was so bad for this person to end it like this.
This was Monday but as the week went on we got plenty of obese people in, they come in bunches. I am not talking 50 lbs overweight I mean 375 and up. Most of these people are middle aged and I start to wonder if food is so comforting that maybe these people are somehow subconsciously giving up and killing themselves also? I know that all cases are not the same and I am generalizing , I know many people get sick depressed, etc , etc.
I do this job everyday, and I try not to bring it home, but shit I cant tell a priest and I know no one will really read this blog, but at least its off my chest for anybody who cares.
If life is that bad, get help, there is always helpand if you feel that miserable about life..dont end a prick and keep fighting.
With that enjoy this video from a favorite band.