A lot has been going on with me since my last post. And yet it doesn't seem like much has happened either. I quit at Target and now work at Wal-Mart. They pay much better and the managers at this store aren't dickheads like my managers at Target were. I leave tomorrow for two weeks of more Army stuff. At least the pay is good. I really need money right now. I am almost completely broke. I was living off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches till I ran out of bread and now I just eat whatever random things I can find in my freezer or cabinets(Garlic Bread, frozen meatballs, spaghetti noodles with soy sauce.) At least while I am doing the Army thing I'll get fed well. And because I will be mostly locked down I don't have to worry about spending extra money on anything. Anyways, that's what's up with me. I'll post another blog when I get back in two weeks.