Well my birthday on Wednesday was decent. Two of my friends from work came over to my apartment and we got drunk while watching stand-up comedy. We then headed to the deli and hung out for a few hours watching the local band. Even though it wasn't the best birthday ever, it definitely wasn't the worst. I'm glad I at least got to celebrate it and that I had friends to celebrate with.
More Blogs
Saturday Jul 07, 2007
I'll be gone for two weeks. I leave today for my two weeks annual tra… -
Saturday Jun 30, 2007
Well my birthday on Wednesday was decent. Two of my friends from work… -
Wednesday Jun 27, 2007
Today is the day I've chosen to celebrate my birthday. (It was actual… -
Sunday Jun 24, 2007
So, I had the whole weekend off. Normally that would be great but I'v… -
Monday Jun 18, 2007
My birthday is next Tuesday, the 26th, and I have no idea how I am go… -
Wednesday Jun 13, 2007
It's been a long while since I wrote anything. So, here is a short ve… -
Friday May 25, 2007
I got a car yesterday. It's a 99 Ford Escort station wagon and it's a… -
Saturday May 19, 2007
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Wednesday May 16, 2007
I've decided I have one of the best apartments in Norman. I live in a… -
Monday May 14, 2007
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