It's been a long while since I wrote anything. So, here is a short version of how my life has been the last few weeks. I just got a new job last night as a night stocker at SuperTarget. The job is actually better than I would have expected. The people are work with are actually pretty cool and have good additudes. I was expecting all grumpy freaks, because that's who most businesses put on night shift. The work isn't too strenuous either. I keep busy and the night goes by quick, but I don't have to worry about real heavy boxes so no pulled muscles for me.
Before I started nights I pretty much just spent every night getting drunk and listening to live bands at The Deli around the corner. I still go there on my nights off, though. (Tonight for example)
I am really glad to here that Karma is punishing my ex for being such an evil bitch. i recently read her blog on myspace. Basically, in the last month, she's wrecked two cars and the restaurant she worked at closed down before she could find a new job. She lives over in Germany so, it's sometimes hard to find jobs on post, well good jobs anyways. That cheating bitch finally seems to be getting what she deserves.
I finally went out and bought Guitar Hero 1 and 2 and spent the last two days trying to beat those. I have mastered medium and gotten halfway through hard on 1 but can't get through more than two songs on hard with 2. That's a damn hard game! Well that's all for now.
Till next time, this is Mike.
Before I started nights I pretty much just spent every night getting drunk and listening to live bands at The Deli around the corner. I still go there on my nights off, though. (Tonight for example)
I am really glad to here that Karma is punishing my ex for being such an evil bitch. i recently read her blog on myspace. Basically, in the last month, she's wrecked two cars and the restaurant she worked at closed down before she could find a new job. She lives over in Germany so, it's sometimes hard to find jobs on post, well good jobs anyways. That cheating bitch finally seems to be getting what she deserves.
I finally went out and bought Guitar Hero 1 and 2 and spent the last two days trying to beat those. I have mastered medium and gotten halfway through hard on 1 but can't get through more than two songs on hard with 2. That's a damn hard game! Well that's all for now.
Till next time, this is Mike.
well thank you for the comment on my set! it was very sweet and i wish that i could accept it but alas i can't...
i am originally from ohio so i guess "technically" i am not a georgia peach nor did i write the lovely poem on the into... it is from the movie cocktail...

well that is good . because i definitely have the accent..