I need to find an apartment and soon. I cant yet afford my own apartment so it looks like im in the hunt for a roomate. I hate looking through random adds on Craigslist. If anyone is looking (or know anyone that is looking) for a roomate please let me know.
In more geeky and work related news, I am looking at setting up a microwave point to point connection betweek our Office in the Empire State Building and our datacenter. The great thing about having an office in the ESB is that we have line of sight everywhere. The hardware is suprisingly cheap. I just need to see if our Datacenter will allow me roof access. The more I research doing this the more excited im getting about this. Combine this with my VoIP project and im starting to really enjoy this job.
In more geeky and work related news, I am looking at setting up a microwave point to point connection betweek our Office in the Empire State Building and our datacenter. The great thing about having an office in the ESB is that we have line of sight everywhere. The hardware is suprisingly cheap. I just need to see if our Datacenter will allow me roof access. The more I research doing this the more excited im getting about this. Combine this with my VoIP project and im starting to really enjoy this job.
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