Cl@rk at MYSPACE

Also check out my collaboration with a couple of other lunatics....

We Black Sheep

hahaha which is why i had to re-read it. wink
Thanks for the comment on my set! I'm glad you liked it. smile
Some of you girls I think I could actually kick it with.
becasue some people are lazy and some may be able to find the program thats needed to translate it
not to say i do not like it. . but to list it among the fav. . i dunno about that(in referrence to NIN album) and thank you for checking me out!
And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. And took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself. And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own midwest. And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil. One thousand, nay a million voices...
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First of all, let me start off by saying "fuck you" for that half-breed remark.

Secondly, I'm sure you can be a perfectly decent guy. But all I've seen of you is useless, pointless, arrogant elitism. Not only that but now you're flinging insults around like that somehow makes your point oh-so-much-better. So I like Coheed and Cambria? What fucking difference does it make? You don't like it, don't fucking listen to it. Does that do anything to undermine my opinion about anything? No. It doesn't. Maybe to you it does. But that's only because you seem to have it in your head that you know better because of some bored, assholish hipster complex.

Actually... it wasn't that much of a snap judgetment. You said in your first big ranty post that you were a stubborn asshole. Those are your words, not mine. It was the content that led me to believe you're a music snob.

Also, if you actually go back and read the two comments I made that caused you to flip out and start talking borderling racist shit... you'll notice that they were both jokes. Maybe you missed the happy little face. Or maybe it just flew right by you. Either way, you're the one who started getting mean with people. So don't try to pass this off like I have some kind of personal vendetta against you. As far as I'm concerned you're just another annoying guy on a message board who decided to start talking shit. Why you would choose to talk shit about something you admit to having no knowledge of or care for is beyond me but you did start all of this.

And finally, one last point before I leave. The ellipses (...) is a terrible replacement for basic punctuation. It has its place (you'll notice I used it a few times here) but it's really annoying and distracting when you use it to begin and end ever sentence.

And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. And took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself. And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own midwest. And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil. One thousand, nay a million voices...
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don't worry about it kiss ...

or, if you really feel the need to do something, send me a gift off of my wedding registry biggrin

but, please don't feel obligated to do anything. kiss

I do nice things for people because I enjoy doing it. not in hopes of getting anything in return.
heyO I understand that... I just decided -what the ---maybe i should have some friends on this land o' SG's....so when i happen upon people who have entertaining-intriging profiles....which i found yours to be just that....why not say 'hey if you ever need to borrow an egg or a cup of sugar, i'll help you out' confused . But I appreciate you getting back to me and well see..........................