heres to the first blog of 2014 for me!!
Sorry to be off the radar for so long, just busy with starting school, late night work, and my boyfriend...., oh and my trip to Colorado! That was an adventure, stoned and relaxed the whole trip. It was nice seeing all the strains and different types of cannabis edibles. If I wasn't in school here I'd be in Colorado already or maybe California, I'd love to get my growing license and create my own types of strains and goodies. I feel I would get the amazing acomplishment feeling when you make something out of nature, I have kind of a Poison Ivy side to me. 😘 But alas I have a year or 2 left to go in school so I'm gonna finish up and get my degrees.
Anyways I hope everyone is having an amazing Wednesday/HumpDay! I know I am enjoying it. 😘💋