Watching the documentary "Outfoxed"
Has anybody seen it.. Never before have I been so absolutely pissed off at anything in my life... I'm literally pissed right off..
I cant believe all the shit they get away with.. and the thing that pisses me off the most.. and I'm sure anybody who is in the middle or the left.. even some on the right would agree that Bill O'Rielly is the biggest pile of fucking shit on the face of the earth.
SHUT UP.. thats his favorite phrase, and he says it when he's getting beaten down on one of his bible thumping, George bush ass kissing opinions. I'm pretty sure if I was to ever see Bill on the street I would take a swing at him.. He's a piece of shit..... big piece of shit..
lol.. I cant believe how mad I am..
Anyways.. Peace out yo (unless your Bill ORielly.. in which case.. I hope you die.. literally)
Sean Ferguson
Has anybody seen it.. Never before have I been so absolutely pissed off at anything in my life... I'm literally pissed right off..
I cant believe all the shit they get away with.. and the thing that pisses me off the most.. and I'm sure anybody who is in the middle or the left.. even some on the right would agree that Bill O'Rielly is the biggest pile of fucking shit on the face of the earth.
SHUT UP.. thats his favorite phrase, and he says it when he's getting beaten down on one of his bible thumping, George bush ass kissing opinions. I'm pretty sure if I was to ever see Bill on the street I would take a swing at him.. He's a piece of shit..... big piece of shit..
lol.. I cant believe how mad I am..
Anyways.. Peace out yo (unless your Bill ORielly.. in which case.. I hope you die.. literally)
Sean Ferguson
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