So, tattoo on saturday, braids on sunday. Fucking extreme amounts of uncomfort in the days that followed. Anyhoo, things are going all right...Old man is holding out, which is kinda lame, then he blames it on me and says im holding out. thinking that it's just that we are both tired when we finally get to see eachother (like, 2 am, when he gets off work) that sometimes, we just aren't havin it.
OK, everyone can breathe now....finally got the filthy fucking i needed...LOL.
So i just got the hair did on sunday and now im thinking im gonna take em out. they are making bumps on my head and all i can think about is brushing my hair!!
OK, everyone can breathe now....finally got the filthy fucking i needed...LOL.
So i just got the hair did on sunday and now im thinking im gonna take em out. they are making bumps on my head and all i can think about is brushing my hair!!
HOLDING OUT!?!? WTF tell him to get off his ass man. You're supa fine. Well anyways, howz the bro doin? I still gotta send him a letter. I think I'll do that this w-end. Lata B, have a great weekend.
Why cann't you wash it with the braids in??? does your hair smell bad