I'm tired....i could NOT fucking fall asleep last night. Sucked so bad...got about, oh, two hours of sleep...but i did get some sketches done, and i hung out with a friend for a little bit last night. Guess it wasn't all bad. Just sucked when I had to work all day and of course, today is the day when the kids decide they are gonna be horrible and not listen and make messes and the little boy patrick throws up all over me....*sigh*
yeah, so i am ditching the idea of going to SF for new year's. My brother and his friend (also my neighbor) wanna go to vegas, but, fuck i don't know.
So I hope evryone has a great new year's eve....except for the poeple i hate...they can die, but as for everyone else, have fun!!
yeah, so i am ditching the idea of going to SF for new year's. My brother and his friend (also my neighbor) wanna go to vegas, but, fuck i don't know.
So I hope evryone has a great new year's eve....except for the poeple i hate...they can die, but as for everyone else, have fun!!

haha Im sick now. it sux. *admits to having a doofus voice and an odd speaking pattern* Sorry bout that if your phone didnt die i would have ran out of things to say.
Hey hun just wanted to wish ya a wonderful new years get fucked up weeee...try not get into 2 many fights luv lol.
and a new years kiss for ya