yeah, i do find these guys at truckstops....its like my fucking favorite place to hang out....heh.
Got my lip pierced yesterday. now i have it on both sideds so i dont feel quite so uneven..yay.
3 more days. the only thing i really like about christmas is that my mom makes bad-ass food. she is making fried wontons, beef brocolli, chicken-long-rice and some other awesome hawaiian and asian food.....mmmmmmm wontons, you are my only friends..Bwahahaha.
Joey, when i come see you, im totally gonna try and make lame-ass moves on you. im gonna stare at u all thru the movie and like bump my leg up against yours. im gonna yawn and oh-so-casually put my arm around u and think it is the fucking slickest move on earth.
Snow sucks my Hawaiian ass. i am so glad i live in socal. I hate the snow with a fiery burning passion from hell. i went to the grove in hollywood and they were making snow and i wanted to leave. snow personally offends me, damnit. hahahaha
Got my lip pierced yesterday. now i have it on both sideds so i dont feel quite so uneven..yay.
3 more days. the only thing i really like about christmas is that my mom makes bad-ass food. she is making fried wontons, beef brocolli, chicken-long-rice and some other awesome hawaiian and asian food.....mmmmmmm wontons, you are my only friends..Bwahahaha.
Joey, when i come see you, im totally gonna try and make lame-ass moves on you. im gonna stare at u all thru the movie and like bump my leg up against yours. im gonna yawn and oh-so-casually put my arm around u and think it is the fucking slickest move on earth.
Snow sucks my Hawaiian ass. i am so glad i live in socal. I hate the snow with a fiery burning passion from hell. i went to the grove in hollywood and they were making snow and i wanted to leave. snow personally offends me, damnit. hahahaha

I swear I'm going to make stencil cutouts for my eyebrows so I won't hae to keep drawing them wrong everyday. I want to get them done permanently but I'm afraid they won't be even. I can spot even the slightest irregularity.

Happy Christmas Homie