It's been quite a while since I updated!! There has been much going on over here in me-land, as per usual. My thoughts are all jumbled and disorganized this morning so I will just give you some highlights:
MY MARRIAGE/DIVORCE IS FINALLY COMING TO AN END!!!!! The (soon to be ex) husband and I came to an agreement (after months of arguing and A LOT of money spent) and signed the papers this week. Now we just wait on the hearing date to be officially divorced
School is over for summer vacation!! The past two semesters have been really hard for me adjusting to being a single mommy, going through a divorce, and working a new job. I got my first C last semester, which sucked. I did much better this Spring, but I did get a B in one of my psych classes...which is blemishing my GPA and I am worried about losing one of my scholarships so I am re-taking the class this summer. Other than that I am feeling back on track with my studies and stoked!
Lots of shows again lately! I saw Local H last month (swoon, I haven't seen them in 10 years and they are one of my favorite bands), got to hang out with Scott Lucas and have a personal solo played for me during the show, and got some free band swag. I was bummed my man missed it, Local H is one of his favorite bands too...but I got him a t shirt
Also seeing Rancid tomorrow in New York, Refused on July 16th, Bouncing Souls on June 12, and Danzing doing Misfits set on June 4!!
I got a new pet, his name is Chester, he is a black rat snake and he is as gentle as you can imagine. He is really playful and active and literally takes his food gentle from my hand when I dangle it into his feeding area. I've never met a snake with so much personality.
I finished my Rancid tattoo and geeked out a little when Tim Armstrong tweeted a picture of it. All gushy n stuff....
My birthday is in 2 weeks (June 2)! I updated my wishlist, if any of you amazings are feeling generous. I always send back something in return (signed print, thank you card, etc).
I found out my Grandma's cancer has come back. It was caught super early and hasn't spread anywhere yet so the prognosis is really great. They feel like a small operation will be all that is necessary. Which is great news. But she is in her 70's, and so many things can go wrong in surgeries (I watch too much Grey's Anatomy...I get paranoid), and I am still nervous about it. Her surgery is next week. Fingers crossed.
Chris is moving in with me next month, and we are taking a HUGE road trip across country from Seattle and down the coast of California (making particular stops in Santa Cruz and LA) and then crossing the country by the 40 all the way back to MD. Anyone wanna hang out along the way?!
Now it's time for a massive photo dump 



Thanks sugar! 27 more days to go and I can see my man...*le sigh*