it occurs to me that love is an energy that is constant, life fulfilling and, at times, miraculous.
and at the same time...i curse it. because it seems that everytime love finds me, i find love in freedom...and now that i have found runs from me.
this rollercoaster has got to end, my heart aches and my mind is exhausted. im not sure how much more i can take, before the (once strong) faith in love that I had is diminished into a state of disbelief... halfway there
its almost like he makes me feel dirtier than ive ever thought possible. i feel whorish for promising my heart to him...and predominately fucking stupid.
and so what else am i to conclude except that (to quote a genius) if love be rough with you, then be rough with love...i choose to disbelieve in it, entirely.
huzzah for the tough times. huzzah.
lets hope what doesnt kill the heart makes it stronger.
ps- go leave some comments on my new set shades d'amore

and at the same time...i curse it. because it seems that everytime love finds me, i find love in freedom...and now that i have found runs from me.
this rollercoaster has got to end, my heart aches and my mind is exhausted. im not sure how much more i can take, before the (once strong) faith in love that I had is diminished into a state of disbelief... halfway there
its almost like he makes me feel dirtier than ive ever thought possible. i feel whorish for promising my heart to him...and predominately fucking stupid.
and so what else am i to conclude except that (to quote a genius) if love be rough with you, then be rough with love...i choose to disbelieve in it, entirely.
huzzah for the tough times. huzzah.

ps- go leave some comments on my new set shades d'amore

yo, Im back on SG.
thanks. I am determined to finally meet you this summer. I posted some suggestions in the dc group.