So I've been swept up in a month full of working, school, and life's ordinary madness.So sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been a terrible pen pal to a few people too, and I am so sorry for this! My job has me working 6 days a week from 4-11 or later. And in addition to that I'm still in school full time, so I wake up and do school work, go to real work, and then come home to do more school work before passing out on the couch in a fit of highness and exhaustion. But it keeps me very busy, which makes the time pass quickly. Which is nice, it seems like the cold months flew by and now it is getting warm again. My favorite part of the year is always when the seasons change and the animals start running around the neighborhood. I get to take the kitties out on walks to the park too, they love that. Its so nice to let them have some fresh air, and to get some myself. Sundays are just the greatest.
So much has happened in the past month and a half since my last update. Where do I begin? I'm most excited about my possible new job. PETA gave me a call back after I sent in my resume the very next day, and did an email to email interview with me. A few days later from that they told me they wanted to do a final phone interview (which is scheduled for Tuesday!!). I'm so excited, I can't wait! The position I had applied for is the Summer Tour Coordinator, which means I would get to go to concerts and tour around the country weeks at a time and setting up a booth that informs people of the maltreatment of animals, etc. I really hope I get the job. The only constraint is that I'm moving in with Jared this summer, and I will have to be away from him AGAIN. But this is my dream job so I'm sure we can work something out...
Palace of Wonders is hosting a SuicideGirls Night on May 22nd! I'm so excited...Suri, Acacia, Brooklyn and myself will definitely be there. I would love to see a good turn out for this, as we are also going to be celebrating my birthday and the fact that I'm moving a few days after! So if you are in the DC/VA/MD area come hang with us at the most bad ass bar in DC, The Palace of Wonders, and even catch a fun game show called Go To Hell, helped hosted by Suri, Acacia, and I
I think that I am actually most excited about this because Acacia and I are talking about getting hitched and having Brooklyn take some pictures of the wedding, and maybe some honeymoon shots too
Oh since I've done practically nothing except for work, work, and work some more I've been watching a lot of movies when I'm home and up late hours doing here are some good movies I've seen lately:
1)Enchanted (I swear this is my new favorite movie)
2)Nanny McPhee
3)Hitman (I underestimated it and it was awesome)
5)Bee Movie (even though jerry seinfelds kinda a weenie, I still liked it)
6)Alvin and the Chipmunks (still not as good as the chipmunk adventure, where they fly around the world, but it still rocked my socks. It had fart jokes and everything!)
I'm always looking for more good movie recommendations if anyone has any!!! in case you can't tell by the previous selection I'm keen on kids movies
thats all ive got for now, i'm off to shower and then meet up with my best friend from high school who I rarely get to see now adays! Oh! I almost newest set is queued so keep your eyes peeled

So much has happened in the past month and a half since my last update. Where do I begin? I'm most excited about my possible new job. PETA gave me a call back after I sent in my resume the very next day, and did an email to email interview with me. A few days later from that they told me they wanted to do a final phone interview (which is scheduled for Tuesday!!). I'm so excited, I can't wait! The position I had applied for is the Summer Tour Coordinator, which means I would get to go to concerts and tour around the country weeks at a time and setting up a booth that informs people of the maltreatment of animals, etc. I really hope I get the job. The only constraint is that I'm moving in with Jared this summer, and I will have to be away from him AGAIN. But this is my dream job so I'm sure we can work something out...
Palace of Wonders is hosting a SuicideGirls Night on May 22nd! I'm so excited...Suri, Acacia, Brooklyn and myself will definitely be there. I would love to see a good turn out for this, as we are also going to be celebrating my birthday and the fact that I'm moving a few days after! So if you are in the DC/VA/MD area come hang with us at the most bad ass bar in DC, The Palace of Wonders, and even catch a fun game show called Go To Hell, helped hosted by Suri, Acacia, and I

Oh since I've done practically nothing except for work, work, and work some more I've been watching a lot of movies when I'm home and up late hours doing here are some good movies I've seen lately:
1)Enchanted (I swear this is my new favorite movie)
2)Nanny McPhee
3)Hitman (I underestimated it and it was awesome)
5)Bee Movie (even though jerry seinfelds kinda a weenie, I still liked it)
6)Alvin and the Chipmunks (still not as good as the chipmunk adventure, where they fly around the world, but it still rocked my socks. It had fart jokes and everything!)
I'm always looking for more good movie recommendations if anyone has any!!! in case you can't tell by the previous selection I'm keen on kids movies

thats all ive got for now, i'm off to shower and then meet up with my best friend from high school who I rarely get to see now adays! Oh! I almost newest set is queued so keep your eyes peeled

Love your new set.

good luck with everything and your new set is awesome!