I got to start the month off with going to SG Night in Ohio! I met some amazing wonderful ladies and even though the end of the trip was a little weird (i think i got drugged) and ended up leaving early i had a BLAST while i was coherent

More pictures are in AllissaBrunelli's photo album
The kittens are growing up so fast! already over a month old, they are finally starting to run around and play with each other and mommy Pyki, Lucifer (our little
black one) has even starting eating cat food! Severus is a bit more slow with that...he will go with Pyki and Luci while they eat but he just sorta sticks
his head in the bowl and hovers. Lil' Seve....he's my new best friend. I had a couple videos but im having trouble uploading them onto here, but Eirian
sent me a comment with some she took at my house last week, so here is the linky if you guys wanna see the babies growing up, the lovely Eirian, and myself post-strip club,Kittens Video!
Speaking of Eirian, I am supposed to make a small announcement for her! She's currently inactive on the site due to some technical problems with her account
which at this point are unknown but shes working on getting it set up again and she sends her love out to everyone
We got out SG night set up here for the DC area, which I said in my last post i believe... Here's a rough copy of one of the fliers for it that the lovely
and very sweet LustEye took the time to make for me.
I'm really excited, we have a good amount of girls planned to attend! So far I've got
I am so excited to meet you girls, and see some of you again!! Like I said, any ladies who need a place to crash i can fit 5-7 comfortably at my apartment.
we've got a bunch of spare sleep mattresses, futons, couches, stuff like that The band AudioStrobeLight will also be playin some live music while us ladies
get all drunk and silly. Should turn out to be a pretty awesome night!
SGDC is having its monthly meet up this week at the Palace of Wonders on Saturday night and I will be hosting! Who wants to come booze with me? anyone? you?
I love the Palace its such a cool spot. Brooklyn actually will be shooting myself and a few other girls before SG night at a few spots in DC, the palace being one
of them!
What else is there to update hmmm. School is going okay, I havent been going as often as I should be so I've got a C in Psych and a B in English. Which
kinda pisses me off because every paper ive turned in is an A+ paper and its not like we ever learn anything in that class. she just has us write. and her
corrections are less than par of that of a college professor. lil old lady...i cant blame her haha. Finals are coming up though, so my goal is to be go to
every class I have between now and then. I think thats pretty reasonable...but I've been really distracted as of late due to my new beau. Its definately
nothing serious, and I'm not even sure if it will go in that direction but we are spending a considerably large amount of time together. and by considerably large
i mean almost all of my free time. He's soemone I've known for awhile although our friendship was dormint for like 6 years as we lost touch in high school
and through college. I ran into him at a party at a mutual friend's place and we hit it off, we've been kinda inseperable ever since. He's SO not my usual
type....hes a law student and was president of his Fraternity (that always makes me giggle a lil bit...). Clean cut business man thing goin on but hes so funny
and smart, and god damn is he ever charming. Both of us are kinda weird when it comes to commitment and relationships but we're pretty sprung on each other
so its an idea that I guess isnt out of the question. But I love the time I'm spending with him, plus he can drink as much as I can. We've been doing alot of
drinking and skipping work/school. It's been fun but now we gotta kinda let the honeymoon die down a get serious about our other activities!
We'll see how that goes
Man i hate being responsible. it SUCKS!
So whats everyone asking for for Christmas? I am asking santa for Rock Band, the other side of my seam tattoo (which i must show you guys but not until i have both
sides done ) and season 3 of Battlestar Galactica. Along wtih the usual South Park/Harry Potter/Nightmare Before Chrsitmas memorabilia. I think I've been pretty
nice this year and Santa should hook it up! How about you my little shitlings? Yes. I said shitlings....courtesy of stephen lynch that word has found itself in
my vocabulary quite often lately. I use it with love and respect
I LOVE YOU ALL! kisses and squeezes