First before I get too far into this post, I've gotta ask you fabulous people one question, why in the world has the absolutely GORGEOUS Poopy not gone pink yet??? Out of all of the Second Chance Sundays, and now we're into Second Chance Weekends, she has yet to go pink!!! Have you guys checked this girl out? Her first set, Red Socks went up awhile ago and now has over 600 comments!!!!! It's beautifully shot, and she looks

i think that is LAME. shes gorgeous, and so are these pictures, not to mention how sweet she is! Go tell staff how bad you wanna see more nakee Poopy!

Anyways! How was everyone's Halloween? Any crazy stories for me??? I don't have anything too crazy for you. But I did have a lovely holiday! On the Friday before Halloween I went to a party up in College Park with some work friends of mine. I had to work earlier in the night so when I got off the stores were all closed and I didn't want to wear the costume I had planned for Saturday night. So i had some devil horn barrets, and loads of black and red make up so I decided to throw a satan costume together. I wore this lil red thingy from victoria's secret with some hooters shorts and fishnets. I wish I had pictures cause i ended up lookin pretty damn sexy!! I was so pleased with the way the costume and make up turned out...I'll keep on the lookout though I know I was in a buncha pictures I just dunno who took them! Anyways I ended up running into the homecoming prince from the year I was homecoming princess in high school!!! It was wild cause neither of us showed up to the homecoming game and the only reason i was at the dance in the first place is its "required" to go if you are nominated into the court. but hey i got to dance with the queen and she was pretty hot

Then we had our party on Saturday night, which was great. Thank hell it wasnt as big as our usual parties! They are normally so huge and out of control, this one was just the right amount of people. So many awesome people turned out! I got to meet so many awesome people from SG!
Eirian took some videos from the party, go check em out if ya have a chance and while you're there she has a set in the hopeful's section as well!! I love her go check her stuff out Naughty Wine
I also got to meet the lovely shakti and her darlin hubby, they were awesome! I met a few other people who's names escape me you'll have to forgive me but it was indeed a pleasure LustEye, TheInsomniac, and J_A_Z_Z also came out, great seeing them as always!
And the best news of all! On Halloween night Pyki had her babies!!!! She only had two, but she's a super tiny kitty so I'm glad her litter was small. The first one delivered was black and orange! How perfect is that for the devil's night? this picture makes me want to name them Bono and Biddy. pop quiz...who knows where thats from!
here are some more pictures
Welp thats about what I've got for ya, I'll leave you with an adorable cartoon my darling btommy drew for me i thought it was so cute that i had to share it
How was everyone's Halloween? Any crazy stories for me???