i feel awful today. i think its because summer is winding down. i dont know. whenever the seasons change i get this wind of depression and it just flows through me. my little brother moved into his own place a couple weeks ago. they are throwing a big kegger tonight. i dont really feel like going. but i promised him i would...
i watched a really good movie today. it was incredibly depressing (probably didnt help, but its a kevin spacey movie...and he always makes me smile) so it probably didnt help much. but fuck, it was such a good movie. anyone seen United States of Leland? If you havent, you should. Absolutely incredible.
i re did my hair yesterday....being blonde was a bit much for me.

without make up...

with make up...
im gonna go watch the care bears movie. that always cheers me up
x's and o's
i watched a really good movie today. it was incredibly depressing (probably didnt help, but its a kevin spacey movie...and he always makes me smile) so it probably didnt help much. but fuck, it was such a good movie. anyone seen United States of Leland? If you havent, you should. Absolutely incredible.
i re did my hair yesterday....being blonde was a bit much for me.

without make up...

with make up...
im gonna go watch the care bears movie. that always cheers me up

x's and o's
your hair looks great

I miss you! We need to hang out soon.