had an interesting day. went to gettysburg with vesma, but we didnt know which exit was best to take. so i messaged my ex(who i might add had also been a very good friend of mine for a long time) to ask him since he lived in the area, and the told us. once we were in the burg we had a blast, saw some battlefields, drank some beer, and then i received a text inviting us to stop by, from my ex. I was a little reluctant due to our history, but i really do miss him and he was a good friend of mine for so long, so i decided to go ahead and see how he was doing. Weird thing was it was where i used to live with him, so that was a bit surreal. but the place looks so different so the memories weren't flooded. It then turned into a really nice night i stayed there for about an hour or so and caught up with and old friend. I feel much better about the situation as before we had stopped talking altogether for reasons i dont really feel like going into but they were trivial. Anyways, I am glad because its sad to see friends wasted at the hand of something as dumb as misunderstandings and angst. And it was especially good to see the doggies of the house!!! i had missed my pups so 
My little ratties are now free roaming all the time since Megan, my old room mate, has moved out. She was always totally peeved out by them for some reason or another...in any event its a fucking ball having them out all the time. Brisby is such an explorer, but Splinter keeps to herself mostly in her cage. she spent the first year of her life in a stupid pet shop where she might has well have been snake food because they NEVER handle the rats or pay any attention to them at this bullshit corporation. Whatever cause she has come such a long way and will sit out and play with people just not all the time and i think thats a HUGE improvement coming from how she acted when we first got her.
Pyki's husband went home today. funny she seems SO happy when he leaves, but after a day or two she starts meowing for him. Then he gets there and shes all excited but it wears off so quickly! Silly little hormonal preggers Pyki
Annnnnnnnd to top it all off....I love this man

for those uneducated on their football, that is Mr. Tony Romo...the man who is proving all of my shit talking in Madden over the past years
Because....well, sorry to all of you other non cowboy fans, we are gonna be rocking the shit out of you this year 

Even the commentary during the Redskins games confirm my speculations!!
And that makes me want to skip with glee!!
Bryan still has another few days in california, i am sad!!!
i miss my baby so god damn much! rawr.
Okay thats all ive got for you today my loves
x's and o's

My little ratties are now free roaming all the time since Megan, my old room mate, has moved out. She was always totally peeved out by them for some reason or another...in any event its a fucking ball having them out all the time. Brisby is such an explorer, but Splinter keeps to herself mostly in her cage. she spent the first year of her life in a stupid pet shop where she might has well have been snake food because they NEVER handle the rats or pay any attention to them at this bullshit corporation. Whatever cause she has come such a long way and will sit out and play with people just not all the time and i think thats a HUGE improvement coming from how she acted when we first got her.
Pyki's husband went home today. funny she seems SO happy when he leaves, but after a day or two she starts meowing for him. Then he gets there and shes all excited but it wears off so quickly! Silly little hormonal preggers Pyki

Annnnnnnnd to top it all off....I love this man

for those uneducated on their football, that is Mr. Tony Romo...the man who is proving all of my shit talking in Madden over the past years

Even the commentary during the Redskins games confirm my speculations!!
And that makes me want to skip with glee!!
Bryan still has another few days in california, i am sad!!!

Okay thats all ive got for you today my loves
x's and o's
Aw so you have your rats running around now? Cute. And Pyki!
Okay bad picture but she's cute. I can't wait to see her babies.