well i just wrote up this whole fucking post and i wasnt even logged in so NOW i have to do it again. bah humbug.
its been a fun week! started off by going to the Palace of Wonders which my amazing boyfriend works at, with my friend Vesma and the lovely Eirian. We got hammered and lost on the way home. i dont even remember leaving the bar...and i woke up with a close to black eye. i dont even know what happened, i think i hit myself in the face with a car door or something. lol. i just told everyone i went to fetch Bryan a beer and it wasnt cold enough, so he gave me a shiner
here are some fun pictures

once we finally made it home i passed out, which i was NOT supposed to do, as Bryan and I were supposed to leave from michigan once he got home from closing the bar to go surprise his momma for her birthday. needless to say i woke up still hammered at like 7 am and we left from there. i was still drunk for most of the ride....but it was a great trip! i got to see my first white castle. but didnt get to eat there
next time i hope. the highlight of the trip had to be when I met bryans dad's friend who was asian....he said to me "so Kerri, where do you go to school?"
it was damn near impossible suppressing all laughter. anyone who knows me knows i love talking like im asian when im drunk or stoned. sorta an inside joke with the roomie...but yeah. it was great times
bryans family is adorable we had a blast.
Other good news!!! My Pyki cat is PREGGERS!!!! woo hoo!! heres a shot of the hot couple in action....

babies for me in a couple months! i cant wait
i hope she has like 10 of them 
i also got to talk to my sister today and she sent me some fun pictures of my little godson. i always love talking to her, shes not even really my sister but we've been best friends for so long its impossible not to think of her as family. shes pregnant again and expecting in Feb. so im going out to vegas in the end of january so i can be there for the birth and stay to help her for a month or so with the newborn and our terrible toddler. i only call my jaxon terrible cause hes 2. and hes in that stage....
hes still the fucking cutest kid ever checkie him out

school starts next week. im nervous. i havent been back to school in awhile! i hope i have the discipline for it this year.....*fingers crossed*
im stil waiting to see if they accepted my new set. its been like a month since they've been reviewing it but i heard they arent reviewing anything else until september. so heres some old nudies for ya, ignore the bite marks

yesterday i had to drop off my angel at the airport, hes going to california for a week. this will be the longest ive been without him since we've met
i heart us

alright kids thats about all i have for you today, kiss noise
its been a fun week! started off by going to the Palace of Wonders which my amazing boyfriend works at, with my friend Vesma and the lovely Eirian. We got hammered and lost on the way home. i dont even remember leaving the bar...and i woke up with a close to black eye. i dont even know what happened, i think i hit myself in the face with a car door or something. lol. i just told everyone i went to fetch Bryan a beer and it wasnt cold enough, so he gave me a shiner

once we finally made it home i passed out, which i was NOT supposed to do, as Bryan and I were supposed to leave from michigan once he got home from closing the bar to go surprise his momma for her birthday. needless to say i woke up still hammered at like 7 am and we left from there. i was still drunk for most of the ride....but it was a great trip! i got to see my first white castle. but didnt get to eat there

it was damn near impossible suppressing all laughter. anyone who knows me knows i love talking like im asian when im drunk or stoned. sorta an inside joke with the roomie...but yeah. it was great times

Other good news!!! My Pyki cat is PREGGERS!!!! woo hoo!! heres a shot of the hot couple in action....

babies for me in a couple months! i cant wait

i also got to talk to my sister today and she sent me some fun pictures of my little godson. i always love talking to her, shes not even really my sister but we've been best friends for so long its impossible not to think of her as family. shes pregnant again and expecting in Feb. so im going out to vegas in the end of january so i can be there for the birth and stay to help her for a month or so with the newborn and our terrible toddler. i only call my jaxon terrible cause hes 2. and hes in that stage....
hes still the fucking cutest kid ever checkie him out

school starts next week. im nervous. i havent been back to school in awhile! i hope i have the discipline for it this year.....*fingers crossed*
im stil waiting to see if they accepted my new set. its been like a month since they've been reviewing it but i heard they arent reviewing anything else until september. so heres some old nudies for ya, ignore the bite marks

yesterday i had to drop off my angel at the airport, hes going to california for a week. this will be the longest ive been without him since we've met

alright kids thats about all i have for you today, kiss noise


omgwtfbbq I drive all the way from North Carolina to see Ryker and she can't make it!!!