god fucking damnit.
i got drunk again last night. and in front of my boyfriend whos still barely speaking to me because of my 21st birthday.
im so pissed at myself yesterday Mcboon84 and i wanted to go to the aquarium so we picked up my friend liz and dashed off to baltimore. we decided we were kinda hungry so we got hooters and i ended up only eating 2 wings and had a couple of beers. then we went to borders and ESPN zone. which i took a carbomb and had a couple more beers. needless to say we never made it to the aquarium. so i fucking ended up making Mark stop by the liquor store on the way home to get fucking jagermister.
bad idea.
half a bottle later my boyfriend ends up coming over and seenig me drunk again and now hes even more pissed at me.
so FUCK IT! im done. no more drinking. im just a pothead now. an almost boyfriendless pothead.
i got drunk again last night. and in front of my boyfriend whos still barely speaking to me because of my 21st birthday.
im so pissed at myself yesterday Mcboon84 and i wanted to go to the aquarium so we picked up my friend liz and dashed off to baltimore. we decided we were kinda hungry so we got hooters and i ended up only eating 2 wings and had a couple of beers. then we went to borders and ESPN zone. which i took a carbomb and had a couple more beers. needless to say we never made it to the aquarium. so i fucking ended up making Mark stop by the liquor store on the way home to get fucking jagermister.
bad idea.
half a bottle later my boyfriend ends up coming over and seenig me drunk again and now hes even more pissed at me.
so FUCK IT! im done. no more drinking. im just a pothead now. an almost boyfriendless pothead.
Lovely I'm sorry about tonight.. and friday. i'll make it up to you somehow. sorry.
I feel bad.
I have to agree with Abbiss, here! =O I was so proud when you said you'd lay off the first time! You can do it! >_< I'm here for you (even though I've never met you)!