Does my beard make me look old or is it the bags under my eyes? Lol
So am I the only man in tune with a woman's pheromones? I get so fucking horny when my girlfriend or coworkers are ovulating. I can always tell.
To my sg friends and fellow members, any of you in the Gainesville area of Florida have strip club suggestions? My friend wants to go to a strip club on her bachelor party. She's marrying her girlfriend in April and is looking for a club where there are nude men and women. Any suggestions are helpful. As I am the best man and I need...
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So I met up with my ex girlfriend today. Last nightshr dyes her hair and shaved one side with letters emblazoned. So I told her she's looking like some of the sg's. Had ever heard of suicide girls. I showed her around the site. Showed her some photo sets in mr and showed her @chefbethrogers and @eminence_ profiles. Is it wrong of me to try...
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